剩料能回收製成人造石、水磨石等、 石材廢料粉末能加入水泥能增加穩定度與強度,除此之外,白色石材廢料粉末還能成為紙張生成的原料,解決伐木濫墾問題(一噸石頭紙=20顆樹木,但石頭紙的回收系統還需要更優化)
Recycled marble dust and granite sludge can be used in construction materials like bricks and tiles, but especially concrete mixture where aggregated stone serves as a low-cost extender that binds with more expensive cement/ asphalt to form concrete. Innovations are also being made in paper production where leftover stone from local industries is mixed with a small amount of recycled BPA-free plastic. Since no water or chemicals are used and the process is powered by solar energy, the production of stone paper is a zero carbon process.
Stone has been used in construction and as tools since the dawn of time. The ancient Egyptians used stone to create permanent structures when building the pyramids as shrines to the pharaohs. The Greek and Roman empires also used stone in the construction of their theaters and palaces. The Taj Mahal still stands out as one of the most recognizable tourist destinations in the world. These monuments that have stood the test of time, reflect the belief that stone is the most sustainable and durable material for construction work. Moreover, while it may sustain damage over time, it is repairable. By reducing the necessity for
最新的政府公告發文,規定自110年起,綠建材的使用在公眾建築物室內總面積必須達到60%、戶外地面面積20%以上。藉由這個話題來探討石材是否為永續建材。 在ScienceDirect 找到一篇由歐盟委員會贊助研究的石材的永續循環再利用的文章,希望能傳遞石材的回收再利用的永續價值給大眾。
According to the latest updates to the green building policy in Taiwan, firms are expected to have at least 60% of interior projects and 20% of exterior flooring/pavement projects certified green. This article aims at narrowing the knowledge gap between industry and the public, and increasing awareness of stone as a sustainable building material.
The complete process of stone production can be divided into three phases; Quarrying, Cutting and Building. These three phases are intrinsically linked, and together represent the complete lifecycle of stone.
The repurposing of quarries around the world has breathed new life into previously abandoned sites. Around the world, sites have been converted into solar farms, water parks and recreation areas.
Most notably, the 88m-deep Intercontinental Shanghai Wonderland (Shimao Quarry Hotel) was completed on the site of an abandoned quarry in 2018. Further, the planting of native trees and shrubs in quarries support local biodiversity which offers a positive outlook for the development of a stable ecosystem in the future.
剩料能回收製成人造石、水磨石等、 石材廢料粉末能加入水泥能增加穩定度與強度,除此之外,白色石材廢料粉末還能成為紙張生成的原料,解決伐木濫墾問題(一噸石頭紙=20顆樹木,但石頭紙的回收系統還需要更優化)
Recycled marble dust and granite sludge can be used in construction materials like bricks and tiles, but especially concrete mixture where aggregated stone serves as a low-cost extender that binds with more expensive cement/ asphalt to form concrete. Innovations are also being made in paper production where leftover stone from local industries is mixed with a small amount of recycled BPA-free plastic. Since no water or chemicals are used and the process is powered by solar energy, the production of stone paper is a zero carbon process.
Stone has been used in construction and as tools since the dawn of time. The ancient Egyptians used stone to create permanent structures when building the pyramids as shrines to the pharaohs. The Greek and Roman empires also used stone in the construction of their theaters and palaces. The Taj Mahal still stands out as one of the most recognizable tourist destinations in the world. These monuments that have stood the test of time, reflect the belief that stone is the most sustainable and durable material for construction work. Moreover, while it may sustain damage over time, it is repairable. By reducing the necessity for
最新的政府公告發文,規定自110年起,綠建材的使用在公眾建築物室內總面積必須達到60%、戶外地面面積20%以上。藉由這個話題來探討石材是否為永續建材。 在ScienceDirect 找到一篇由歐盟委員會贊助研究的石材的永續循環再利用的文章,希望能傳遞石材的回收再利用的永續價值給大眾。
According to the latest updates to the green building policy in Taiwan, firms are expected to have at least 60% of interior projects and 20% of exterior flooring/pavement projects certified green. This article aims at narrowing the knowledge gap between industry and the public, and increasing awareness of stone as a sustainable building material.
The complete process of stone production can be divided into three phases; Quarrying, Cutting and Building. These three phases are intrinsically linked, and together represent the complete lifecycle of stone.
The repurposing of quarries around the world has breathed new life into previously abandoned sites. Around the world, sites have been converted into solar farms, water parks and recreation areas.
Most notably, the 88m-deep Intercontinental Shanghai Wonderland (Shimao Quarry Hotel) was completed on the site of an abandoned quarry in 2018. Further, the planting of native trees and shrubs in quarries support local biodiversity which offers a positive outlook for the development of a stable ecosystem in the future.