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重新整修50年的王朝酒店1,2樓公區域,拆除大部分的舊裝潢,只保留大理石地坪與牆面花崗石的部分,拆除過程中造成的石材毀損, 我們做了一些石材美容修補,最後接近整修完工再做無接縫地坪研磨. 在正常使用下與維護, 石材可以非常堅固耐用, 減少替換就是減少製造減少排碳排碳 Hotel remodeling project- our client keeps both of marble flooring and granite wall while demolishing this construction site. We worked on damage parts from site demolition and polished surface of marble floors for brighting and shining in final stage. When cared for properly, stone can last well beyond your lifetime. By reducing the necessity for replacement, and re-using stone and stone by-products, we have the opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint and pollution well into the future.