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小宅的改造/ 客廳區域只有320*450cm 的大小- <1> 前陽台外推做鞋櫃收納及臥榻收納櫃. <2> 拉大電視牆範圍,利用大理石紋路修是轉角做視覺重點. <3>使用白色為主體色,減少繁複的設計搭配, 貼上大理石提升質感~

Enlarge a small living room tips- <1> Integrate small balcony into room design add some extra inches and storage for shoes. <2> increasing entertainment wall space, make a use of marble pattern for balancing out the angle and emphasis on a luxe look. <3> color white beased design, reducing design complexity, add polished marble that allow light to ereflect and create some visual space.